Belated Beautiful Bali
Gardening in Seoul





Although my day job is serving as a consular officer, all Foreign Service Officers (FSOs) are considered "generalists, which means we can be called at any time to work a variety of jobs and missions. One of those jobs is often working with VIP visitors to post. In the past 4 months, Embassy Seoul has seen visits by Vice President Joe Biden, Secretary of State John Kerry, and most recently, the President of the United States (POTUS), Barack Obama.

During the President's trip to Seoul, I had the pleasure and honor of working closely with the White House team, US Military and other organizations for this historic visit. This assignment afforded me a front-row seat to watch Air Force 1 landing in Seoul.  I wasn't the only one working the visit. Mrs. Crab had the opportunity to work at the "Meet & Greet" event where President Obama visited U.S. military and embassy employees and families. Mrs. Crab totally lucked out -- she actually met the President and shook his hand! 

A few photos from the President's arrival to Seoul: 


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