Homeward Bound (or, Why I Hate Air Travel)
Greetings from Rehoboth Beach, Delaware

Greetings from Philadelphia!

Geno's Steaks, Philadelphia
Originally uploaded by TwoCrabs.

Hi ya'll! We're blogging to you from the City of Brotherly Love, where in a few short hours after arriving we hit the Betsy Ross House, saw Benjamin Franklin's "privy," had drinks at a bar located in the birthplace of Lawrence Feinstein (aka Larry Fine of the Three Stooges) and capped off the evening with a REAL Philly Cheesesteak at Pat's King of Steaks --which claims to have invented the iconic sandwich.

Mr. Crab has NEVER been to Philadelphia, which is sad considering I was born and raised in Washington, D.C. -- about a three hour drive away. And Mrs. Crab has only been here once for a wedding but never saw the sights, even sadder because she's from Baltimore, less than two hours away. From what I've seen so far, Philly is a pretty cool town! Lots of gorgeous old colonial brick rowhouses, cobblestone roads, green spaces, etc.

Day began at 6:30am, with Mr. Crab nursing a raging hangover from one too many pints at the 400-year-old George Inn pub in London. On the train by 9am for our noon flight. Uneventful flight, saw a few films (Breach, Blades of Glory and Wild Hogs), then sat in a holding pattern around Philly for an hour due to thunderstorms. We're staying at the Holiday Inn which, unlike most hotels, offers FREE WiFi Internet! I cant believe hotels have the nerve to charge up to $30 a day for internet access. WiFi should be a standard amenity in any hotel 3 stars or better.

Anyway back to Philly. Compared to London, where it was 70 and sunny when we left, Philadelphia is hot as hell, 95 and HUMID. And it's been raining HARD. Sucks. But still it's nice to be able to sit outside in the evening, unlike London where you need a sweater after dusk.

Click on the Flickr icon at the top-right to see more scenes from Phily.
