London unveiled the logo for the London 2012 Summer Olympic games. All I gotta say is: WHAT THE FRACK? Can anybody tell me what this is supposed to be? It looks like one of those Rorschach inkblot tests. Or maybe a bunch of puzzle pieces. Or some sort of Pokemon-like, Anime thing. The LOC stresses that this is not just a logo -- it's a "BRAND."
Supposedly these shapes spell out "2012". To me it just spells "crap." The London Olympic Committee spend nearly $800,000 designing this logo. Your British tax dollars at work. Within 24 hours of unveiling this "logo," more than 17,000 people had signed an online petition urging the LOC to pick a new logo. Dozens of fans have also submitted their own logo designs to the London website, many of which look MUCH better than this amateurish wanna-be Picasso you see before you.
And that wasn't the only bad news for the London Olympic Committee. Today the LOC was forced to remove video from its website because it could trigger epileptic seizures!
On behalf of all Londoners, I apologize for our local government's stupidity. That's why today, I'm announcing a petition to bring the 2016 summer Olympics to BAGHDAD. Design your Baghdad 2016 Olympic logo and send it to me at twocrabs AT, and I'll post them here.