Where is this blog going
According to Technorati, Two Crabs is the 908,286th most popular blog on the Internet. That is just SAD.
If you're wondering why I've been blogging so much this week and twiddling with the layout, it's because I'm bored out of my mind. I haven't had any new freelance assignments, so blogging is a way to keep writing. Hopefully some new jobs will come down soon because 1) I'm going stir-crazy and 2) I need the money!
I've been thinking more about the direction of this blog as well. Right now it's sort of a mish-mash of thoughts, our view of the world from an expat's point of view, a resource for other American expats, and a narcissistic outlet for my writing and photography. Maybe I'll get a little bolder in my political rants. Still thinking. IS there anything you, the reader, would like us to write more about? Let us know.