Crab photography exhibit!
A Simple Paris Smile

Out of the loop

Bonfire night, Nov. 5
Originally uploaded by TwoCrabs.

Just a quick note to say that the Two Crabs are going to be out of the loop for a while. We are both absolutely SWAMPED with work. Mr. Crab has several major jobs lined up that will keep him busy (and out of the country) until after Christmas. And Mrs. Crab is drowning in paperwork required to complete her UK teaching qualification application. Egads!

Mr. Crab: I've just returned from a weekend in Dublin with an old Army buddy who was visiting us for the second time this year! Dublin photos TK. In the meantime, enjoy the firework photos from Guy Fawkes Night on November 5 in Victoria Park, East London.


Congratulations to Vinism and his wife on the birth of their first child!

A big "GET WELL SOON" to my sister-in-law, who will hereby be known as "Towson Tiger" for her athletic prowess. Can't wait to hit the ski slopes with you again soon!
