Mayor's Thames Festival, London
The funniest video ever!

Global Warming ROCKS!

Ok, ok. It's politically-incorrect to joke about global warming. But how else to react when it's frackin 85 degrees in London in late September!?!?!  That was the high temperature yesterday after London received a rare Carribean warm front -- the remnants of Hurricane Gordon.  And what's the temperature in Washington DC today? 65? Muhahaha.

With the warm weather, we've spent practically every non-working hour outside, enjoying the London festival season (photo above from the Thames River Festival), outdoor sidewalk cafes and pubs, and grilling steaks on our poor-man's Weber Grill knock off from Woolworth's.  But it hasn't all been fun and games.  I've finished my first assignment for a major travel guide book company and am now writing several articles for a magazine that pays crap but the topic is right up my alley: sci-fi.  And, yes, the rumors are true: I'm heading back to Baghdad on Thanksgiving. Woop-tee-doo. Meanwhile, Pineapple Princess is diving into a new school year and trying to get her paperwork together to receive her British teaching qualifications.

After a month living out of carboard boxes and suitcases, we've finally managed to settle into our new nest. Check out the pictures below. We're all ready for overseas visitors!


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